Nihao China! 

So I am officially on the move again. China.  Yup. There it is. I never, ever thought China was going to be a part of my path, my journey, but here it is. I am officially in China.  I don’t even know what to expect really and I am totally unprepared. As usual.  But I came with a safety net. I know a couple people here.  I pretty much only looked at Google Images of Chengdu.

I have been here almost a week. In that time not much has been accomplished. I found an apartment and started work. I am not moved in yet though.

I am sitting here looking out the window while some cleaning ladies are scrubbing my new home. I should probably move in tomorrow. It is only now that I am beginning to wrap my head around this latest adventure. And what do I think?

Holy Sh*!balls!! What am I doing here?  What led me to this point? I know the answer. Really. It was the easy choice – take the offer where I know someone. Everything else be damned. But now that I have had a few days to get situated, was this the right choice.


The city, so far, seems pretty cool. Really very beautiful. Almost 14 million people.  But a small town feel. I can’t pinpoint it but there is just a good feel.

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